Dance Marathon affiliates with more than 250 participating institutions across the country, each partnering with their local children’s hospital. The program began 25 years ago at Indiana University as tribute to the memory of Ryan White, a student who died of HIV/AIDS. Children’s Miracle Network partnered with the organization, and other institutions gradually established it for their schools. Since its inception, Dance Marathon has raised about $50 million in funds, and The University of Alabama has helped provide a portion of that, said Sarah Urbanski, vice president of campus involvement and a junior majoring in elementary education.
“Last year we raised $128,000, and this year our goal is floating around $160,000, which would be a 20 percent increase,” Urbanski said.
Urbanski said she believes UADM’s impact spans beyond its financial contributions.
“Besides fundraising, we have a goal of unifying campus under one common cause,” she said. “That’s my favorite part of campus – just seeing everyone come together for one common goal.”
CMN recently decided to distinguish itself from other dance-related fundraising efforts and unify its chapter efforts through rebranding the organization’s logo, placing the CMN balloon upside down in the form of a flame, with each colored flame containing a different meaning.
“Within the next year, all of the Dance Marathons will look the same,” said Jasmine Banks, assistant team leader for UADM and a senior majoring in political science and African American studies. “Students from out of state will be able to recognize not only the Dance Marathon brand, but also UADM, like something that they have seen in their home state.”
The CMN rebrand has received positive feedback from organization participants. Nina Brante, a senior majoring in public relations, is the executive vice president of marketing for UADM.
“I love it,” Brante said. “I was really excited to be reuniting with other Dance Marathons. The symbol itself represents hope, determination.”
Brante said not only does UADM provide an opportunity to help others, but it also provides the opportunity to come together and meet new people and have fun while doing so.
“College is just a really good time to realize the impact that you can make just by small amounts of work and a little bit of passion,” said Allison Peters, president of UADM and a senior majoring in biology. “Seeing a staff of 100 people last year get together and raise over $100,000 for the local hospital just really shows how much you can do if you really put your mind to it. It’s a really great way to give back, but also a way that you can see how you can come together with your peers.”
For more information about UADM or becoming a UADM team member, students can visit www.uadm.ua.edu.